This website is under construction. You are very pleased to get in contact, see below. Curriculum Vitae – Marc van der Meer Dr Marc van der Meer is independent expert, researcher and consultant. He served as the endowed chair in the education labour market, Tilburg Law School/ Tilburg University from 2013-2023. He is independent scientific advisor for the Dutch VET-sector. His mission is to enable the further development of a public knowledge infrastructure for VET-policies in schools and companies. In his research, he is analysing forms of organisational co-makership between companies and schools, and national varieties in public knowledge production on VET. His research covers apart from VET–systems, the labour markets for teachers, industrial relations, co-determination, social pacts and collective bargaining, labour market reform, policy learning and organisational innovation, and European policies. In addition to numerous articles, he has co-published Low Wage Work in the Netherlands (with Wiermer Salverda and Maarten van Klaveren), Russel Sage Foundation, 2008, and Het Hervormingsmoeras van de Verzorgingsstaat (‘The reform Morass of the Welfare State’) (with Nicolette van Gestel and Paul de Beer), Amsterdam University Press, 2009. Recent work also includes ‘A scenario study on the future of co-determination and organisational change’ (Medezeggenschap en organisatieverandering: Vier scenario’s voor de toekomst, 2010, with Evert Smit, published at Koninklijke Van Gorcum, and country chapters on social pacts in the Netherlands, with Jelle Visser in book volumes published by the Observatoire Social Européen (2010) and Oxford University Press (2011). Marc was the first Director of the National Centre for Expertise on Vocational Training and Education (ecbo) from 2009-February 2014. Until 2009 he was Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam’s Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, and from September 2006 also part-time project manager at the Dutch Centre for Social Innovation. He studied economics in Tilburg and Madrid and earned his PhD in social sciences at the University of Amsterdam in 1998. Marc van der Meer is also chair of the Netherlands Labour Relations Association and used to be Dutch representative for VET at the OECD in Paris from 2009-2014. E:; T: 06 – 12 69 09 22.